EcoCross+ Integration

Product Description

EcoCross+ is a bridge abstraction framework. A developer can use EcoCross+ in their dApp to bundle bridging and protocol actions in the same transaction, abstracting it away from the user. This can be used to promote user onboarding and defragment user liquidity ecocross chains.

Instead of users independently bridging assets to chains to use applications, EcoCross+ enables your application to meet the user where they already are.

At a high level, EcoCross+ works through the following process:

  • End-user (or intermediate contract) includes a message field in the deposit transaction.

  • To be repaid for the fill, the relayer is required to include the same message field in their fill.

  • When this message field is non-empty and the recipient is a contract, the SpokePool calls a special handler function on the recipient contract with the message (and a few other fields).

  • This function can do anything, meaning application-specific actions can be executed atomically.At

Integrating EcoCross+ into Your Application

This guide contains instructions and examples for calling the smart contract functions and constructing the message and creating the destination handler contract.

If you have further questions or suggestions for this guide, please send a message to the #developer-questions channel in the EcoCross Telegram.

Creating an EcoCross+ Transaction

In this example we'll be walking through how to use EcoCross+ to perform an AAVE deposit on behalf of the user on the destination chain.

Crafting the Message

EcoCross+ requires that you send some nonempty message to your contract on the other side. This message allows you to pass arbitrary information to your recipient contract and it ensures that EcoCross understands that you intend to trigger the handler function on the recipient (instead of just transferring tokens). A message is required if you want the handler to be called.

In this example, our message will be just the user's address since that's all our contract would need to know to generate an AAVE deposit. Here's an example for generating this in typescript:


// Ethers V6
import ethers from "ethers";

function generateMessage(userAddress: string) {
  const abiCoder = ethers.AbiCoder.defaultAbiCoder();
  return abiCoder.encode(["address"], [userAddress]);

Example in solidity:


function generateMessage(address userAddress) returns (bytes memory) {
  return abi.encode(userAddress);

Generating the Deposit

The deposit creation process is nearly identical to the process described for initiating a deposit (Initiating a Deposit (User Intent)). However, there are two tweaks to that process to include a message.

  1. When getting a quote (Getting a Quote), two additional query parameters need to be added.

    1. recipient: the recipient for the deposit. For EcoCross+ transactions, this is not the end-user. It is the contract that implements the handler you would like to call (more on that later). Usually, this is a contract you have created to decode and handle the message.

    2. message: the message you crafted above.

  2. When calling deposit (Calling depositV3), you'll need to make a slight tweak to the parameters.

    1. The recipient should be set to your handler contract.

    2. The message field should be set to the message you generated above instead of 0x.

Building a Handler Contract

You will need to implement a function matching the following interface in your handler contract to receive the message:


function handleV3EcoCrossMessage(
    address tokenSent,
    uint256 amount,
    address relayer,
    bytes memory message
) external;

For this example, we're depositing the funds the user sent into AAVE on the user's behalf. Here's how that full contract implementation might look. Note: this contract has not been vetted whatsoever, so use this sample code at your own risk.


import {IERC20} from "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import {SafeERC20} from "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";

interface AavePool {
  function deposit(
    address asset,
    uint256 amount,
    address onBehalfOf,
    uint16 referralCode
  ) external;

contract AaveDepositor {
  using SafeERC20 for IERC20;
  error Unauthorized();

  address public immutable aavePool;
  uint16 public immutable referralCode;
  address public immutable ecocrossSpokePool;
  constructor(address _aavePool, uint16 _referralCode, address _ecocrossSpokePool) {
    aavePool = _aavePool;
    referralCode = _referralCode;
    ecocrossSpokePool = _ecocrossSpokePool;
  function handleV3EcoCrossMessage(
    address tokenSent,
    uint256 amount,
    address relayer, // relayer is unused
    bytes memory message
  ) external {
    // Verify that this call came from the EcoCross SpokePool.
    if (msg.sender != ecocrossSpokePool) revert Unauthorized();
    // Decodes the user address from the message.
    address user = abi.decode(message, (address));
    // Approve and deposit the funds into AAVE on behalf of the user.
    IERC20(tokenSent).safeIncreaseAllowance(aavePool, amount);
    aavePool.deposit(tokenSent, amount, user, referralCode);

One note on this implementation: this contract only uses the funds that are sent to it. That means that the message is assumed to only have authority over those funds and no outside funds. This is important because relayers can send invalid relays. They will not be repaid the funds sent in, but if an invalid message could unlock other funds, then a relayer could use this maliciously.

You can find this interface definition in the codebase here.


Now that you have a process for constructing a message, creating a deposit transaction, and you have a handler contract built and deployed on the destination chain, all you need to do is send the deposit to have the handler get executed on the destination.

WrapChoice Example

Here's another contract example using a slightly different message format to allow users to choose whether they want to receive WETH or ETH. In this example, a bool is passed along with the address of the user to allow the message to define the unwrapping behavior on the destination.


import {IERC20} from "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import {SafeERC20} from "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";

interface WETHInterface {
  function withdraw(uint wad) external;

contract WrapChoice {
    using SafeERC20 for IERC20;

    error Unauthorized();
    error NotWETH();
    error FailedETHTransfer()

    address public immutable weth;
    address public immutable ecocrossSpokePool;
    constructor(address _weth, address _ecocrossSpokePool) {
      weth = _weth;
      ecocrossSpokePool = _ecocrossSpokePool;
    function handleV3EcoCrossMessage(
        address tokenSent, 
        uint256 amount, 
        address relayer, // relayer is unused 
        bytes memory message
    ) external {
        if (msg.sender != ecocrossSpokePool) revert Unauthorized();
        if (tokenSent != weth) revert NotWETH();
        (address payable user, bool sendWETH) = abi.decode(message, (address, bool));
        if (sendWETH) {
          // Transfer WETH directly to user address.
          IERC20(weth).safeTransfer(user, amount);
        } else {
          // Transfer the funds to the user via low-level call.
          (bool success,) ={value: amount}("");
          if (!success) revert FailedETHTransfer();
    // Required to receive ETH from the WETH contract.
    receive() external payable {}

Summarized Requirements

  • The deposit message is not empty

  • The recipient address is a contract on the destinationChainId that implements a public handleV3EcoCrossMessage(address,uint256,address,bytes) function. See Reverting Transactions for considerations.

  • Construct your message

  • Use the EcoCross API to get an estimate of the relayerFeePct you should set for your message and recipient combination

  • Call depositV3() passing in your message

  • Once the relayer calls fillV3Relay() on the destination, your recipient's handleEcoCrossMessage will be executed

  • The additional gas cost to execute the above function is compensated for in the deposit's relayerFeePct.

Security & Safety Considerations

  • It is recommended that recipient contracts require that handleV3EcoCrossMessage() is only callable by the EcoCross SpokePool contract on the same chain.

  • Avoid making unvalidated assumptions about the message data supplied to handleV3EcoCrossMessage(). EcoCross+ does not guarantee message integrity, only that a relayer who spoofs a message will not be repaid by EcoCross. If integrity is required, integrators should consider including a depositor signature in the message for additional verification. Message data should otherwise be treated as spoofable and untrusted for use beyond directing the funds passed along with it.

  • Avoid embedding assumptions about the transfer token or transfer amount into their messages. Instead use the tokenSent and amount variables supplied with to the handleV3EcoCrossMessage() function. These fields are enforced by the SpokePool contract and so can be assumed to be correct by the recipient contract.

  • In the event that a deposit expires, it will be refunded to the depositor address. Ensure that the depositor address on the origin SpokePool is capable of receiving refunds.

  • The relayer(s) able to complete a fill can be restricted by storing an approved set of addresses in a mapping and validating the handleV3EcoCrossMessage() relayer parameter. This implies a trust relationship with one or more relayers.

Reverting Transactions

  • If the message specifies a transaction that could revert when handled on the destination, the user will be refunded on the origin chain in the bundle following the expiry of the deposit.

    • Note: Expiry occurs when the destination SpokePool timestamp exceeds the deposit fillDeadline timestamp.

  • If this is not desirable behavior it is recommended to include logic in the handler contract to simply transfer the funds to the user in the case of a reverting transaction.

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